RC - Reha Chrischona
RC stands for Reha Chrischona
Here you will find, what does RC stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Reha Chrischona? Reha Chrischona can be abbreviated as RC What does RC stand for? RC stands for Reha Chrischona. What does Reha Chrischona mean?Reha Chrischona is an expansion of RC
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Alternative definitions of RC
- Remote Control
- Regional Consultant
- Roman Catholic
- Rotary Club
- Royal College
- Reformed Church
- Reserve Component
- Run Control
View 408 other definitions of RC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- RKW Reha-Klinik Walenstadtberg
- RPE Reha-Pflegeklinik Eden
- REHABBZQH REHAB Basel - Zentrum fuer Querschnittgelähmte und Hirnverletzte
- RFB Rehabilitationsklinik Freihof Baden
- RKJ Rehabilitationszentrum fuer Kinder und Jugendliche
- RS Rehabilitationszentrum Schoenberg
- RB Rehaklinik Bellikon
- RH Rehaklinik Hasliberg
- RR Rehaklinik Rheinfelden
- RL Rehazentrum Leukerbad
- RM Residence Mandement
- RR Residenz Rosenau
- RAL Residenza Al Lido
- RAP Residenza Al Parco
- RSK ResidenzSchlossstrasse Koeniz
- RZPB Reusspark Zentrum fuer Pflege und Betreuung
- RK Rheinburg-Klinik
- R&RS Rheuma- & Rehaklinik Schinznach
- RR Rheuma- und Rhehabilitationsklinik
- RS Rigahaus - Seniorenzentrum